Get Him to the Greek (2010)
Seeds: 140
Peers: 53
Torrent Details: DVD Rip, Dual Audio, English sub
Year: 2010
Genre: Comedy, Music
Director: Nicholas Stoller
Starring: Russell Brand, Rose Byrne, Jonah Hill
Record company intern hired with an out-of-control British rock star Aldous Snow concert at LA Greek Theatre.
Opening the shooting of Aldos latest music video then shows snow winding down leading to present day funny, innovative comedy spin perfect start. If you see Forgetting Sarah Marshall, then this is exactly what you would expect a film about Aldos Snow to be similar. The heart scannána I did not expect, was buried wit indecent, vulgar and wonderful, but part of Brand there.Russell opens immediately after BHE al and his words are comedy gold . Jonah Hill steps out of their comfort zone a bit, and trust plays a good guy. (Usually, the next hes overconfident, for all your naysayers). Diddy presents one performance I'm definitely surprised to see a strong shock. Hes really hilarious! Is repartee with everyone he comes into contact with the present. Hilarious one-liners the whole cast and the two main characters actually make the scannána very pleased to plot one watch.The creative, something we dont see enough of today. Although the gross out comedy jokes staircase familiar jokes are smart too. But its all you have to expect when following Rock and Roll personified. The other point I was surprised by many ... There were a lot of scenes from the movie trailers. I think that is a good thing and bad. Well because he did not show us things we've already seen and gave the opportunity to see new things. But bad because some of the scenes in funny.For real film critics casáuy this: Do you like comedy? Apatows Do you like stuff? Do you like Russell Brand or Jonah Hill? If the answer is no to any of the 2 ... why are you reviewing a film? Your opinion is pointless for the people who actually DO like the movies.
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